Monday, May 9, 2016

Beginning again

My life has been so full for so long and our dreams have been so fully realized that we've had to make new ones. We used to chase our goals but now it feels more like I'm chasing my tail. For years now, I have been reacting and hustling that I haven't had the chance to pay attention to myself as an individual, a parent, a wife, a teacher, and especially a creative entity/artist. For so long I have been fighting to keep my head above water that I have lost track of my (our) successes and my sanity! I'm all up in the ebb and flow of productivity and creativity and life and I'm ready to start steering the boat again. I'm fed up with feeling unfulfilled. It started with a bookclub invitation. We read two quick books "steal like an artist" and "show your work". They were full of action points and completely easy to read and implement. From that stemmed an invitation to a small group meeting to create accountability with some women I completely respect and admire. This morning I printed a self branding workbook and am currently working through the first lesson: defining my dreams and fears. These small steps are starting to build an little inertia. I'm taking the reigns again. No more letting life happen to me. One thing I CAN do is achieve what I decide I want. My life has been full of SO many successes; finishing my masters in metalsmithing (a dream since I was 16) running my first 5K after having never run in my life, having a completely natural labor, paying off big debts (thanks Dave Ramsey), buying and selling property, building my house. I can do hard things! The struggle now that I have accomplished all of my goals is to redefine what my adult self wants. An artist I deeply admire exclaimed to me just after I graduated with my masters, " The world is your oyster!" and it truly is! This blog is officially resurrected. I may do some of my work book stuff here. It may be a catch all of all the junk that piles up in my head. Either way, it's here. Hold me accountable, friends. Be my tribe. May 9th It begins.

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