Monday, April 16, 2012

Finish line

The end of the year is drawing near. I have resigned myself to the fact that we won't be into our house in time for the baby. I'm overwhelmed by the thought of trying to move my entire house with a newborn in tow. I can't quite wrap my brain around the logistics of it. The baby feels huge and is SUPER active. I have seen her little body moving around in me. Its wild. Everything is perfect with her and the pregnancy. Waiting for labor is oddly nerve wracking. If you can imagine being told that within a month you'll be hit by a car; you've done everything right and you most likely will be just fine but its going to hurt and its going to take a long time to recover. How can you possibly prepare for that? Mitch and I stayed up until midnight getting the room ready - pulling out all of the baby stuff that we had previously packed. We assembled the crib out neighbors gave us and I started washing the sheets. This isn't how I ever imagined the baby arrival would go but I'm thankful that we have a place to come home to with her.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


It has been a long time since I have written anything. Life gets in the way of reflection and introspection. A brief list of happenings since summer;
1. the house is coming along; interior walls going up, floor down, all windows and doors installed
2. I'm pregnant; now about 5 & 1/2 months
3. teaching is still going along smoothly = doing my internship year has proven to be WAY easier than I expected

those are the major things.
I have been trying to read about baby and child rearing things in my "free" time. Which means I'm going to have this baby and not know the first thing about what to do with it! Mitch and I met with a Doula 2 weeks ago and have hired her. I am still looking for answers about birthing centers/hospitals. I'm very underwhelmed with the lack of options here. Almost 40% C-sections rate at the local hospital!

Life keeps happening. I am desperately trying to slow myself down and enjoy some of it.