Friday, August 19, 2011

Approaching the Finish Line

I'm a solid week back into school. This weekend is my 30th Birthday. Our house and studio is reaching a 50% completion status and life is quite good. Fall has always been a gentle time for me. Especially now that I teach; life in the fall seems so generous, so full of potential, so optimistic. Maybe its just that the oppressive heat is lifting?
This will be my third year with some of my students. It has been genuinely rewarding to watch them mature artistically (and emotionally - at least most of them ;) There is a curious feeling that is settling into my gut. Like a pot simmering. My students are getting ready to fly the coop. I am embarking on my KTIP so that I can continue teaching in KY. Mitch and I are nearing our studio and house deadlines. Something big awaits us.
This will be a year full of tight deadlines, sometimes uncomfortable challenges, and back breaking work but the final pay off promises to be so sweet. For all of us.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I've been working so hard for so long that I've forgotten to have any fun.
Its not all bad though! Working on our house is immensely rewarding and I can't wait to get my studio set up in it!
Its been a grueling 2 years. After moving to Paducah, I immediately took a job teaching high school.
You're probably thinking "gross"... It's not. Its more enriching and empowering than I could have ever imagined. The kids I work for are fantastic. Teaching has given me more time to research, read, grow, and learn. It has however robbed me of time to make.
Aside from a handful of lucky commissioned pieces (you know who you are :) I've been fairly absent from my bench.
Maybe its leftover scorn from grad school? Maybe I'm just turned off by the cost of metal?
Maybe its that I get all of the problem solving I need building a house, studio, and pre-college arts program?!
Not to mention that I also volunteer with the Paducah Arts Alliance; orchestrating the artist in residency program.

I have been fantasizing about hitting metal with a hammer lately.
Summer has brought me some solitude - an opportunity to listen to my thoughts as they race by.
My goal is to spend Friday hitting metal with a hammer.
Wish me luck!