Saturday, November 20, 2010

new and not always welcome

We close on our house Tuesday next week. Its very exciting. We have had some serious trials with this one so far. Fingers crossed that the closing will actually happen! I want to take the chain saw and start clearing the property surrounding the house. I want to nest!
Unfortunately all of this newness comes with added responsibilities. I have not applied for any juried shows this year and I've just barely been able to keep up with the invitational shows that I've been participating in. Being the only visual art teacher at my school means the entire health of the program rests on me. That's a huge responsibility (which I like) but it is very time consuming. My dad's health being so poor doesn't necessarily take up time but I do feel emotionally drained. Add to that a new house that is in complete disrepair (no electricity, plumbing and some of its exterior walls missing!) I'm excited and FREAKED!
I suppose that this is the way life is...

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